Robotic Process Automation Infographics

These are student generated Infographics by Melissa Owusu and Kendra Annis. The infographics will give you a brief dive into what RPA really is. There are many assumptions made when hearing conversations about Automation in the workplace. We have designed these infographics to not only clear up some of the confusion on these common misconceptions but also to educate everyone further on what RPA really is.

The infographic that IPAA Melissa Owusu explains the 3 types of Robotic Process Automation. The three types are unattended, attended, and hybrid RPA. Unattended RPA is ideal for reducing work revolving around data processing tasks. With this kind of RPA, a human does not have to be present, the automation can be launched and operated by itself. On the other hand, attended RPA is always on the user’s machine but must be triggered by a human agent to be launched. Lastly hybrid RPA is a combination of both attended and autonomous bots. Hybrid automation can help address office tasks. Which would allow companies to leverage both human and robot workers for the tasks they are best suited to. Remembering these three types of Robotic Process Automation is key to creating automations.

The infographic that IPAA Melissa Owusu created talks about the 4 requirements for Robotic Process Automation. The first requirement is that the process intended to be automated must be rule-based and follow a step-by-step process. The process also needs to have structured data with defined inputs and outputs. The third requirement is for the process to be repetitive or have a pre-defined trigger. The last requirement is the tasks or processes needing to be automated show have sufficient volume.

The infographic was created by IPAA Melissa Owusu and explains the different strategies of Robotic Process Automation. First an individual should be able to understand what the problem is by meeting with a client. Once the problem is understood it is critical to understand the process. This can be done best by performing analysis and documenting the process. Once the problem and process are understood the next step is to build the automation. There are many different automation software’s to choose from including UiPath, NICE, and Power Automate. After automation is made it is important to get approval from the client. Lastly, would be testing and deployment. Which is where one would fix any bugs that may appear in your automation.

The infographic was created by LIPAA Kendra Annis and it explains 7 of the most common Robotic Process Automation misconceptions. One of the most common misconceptions is that RPA will replace employees. But it is meant to automate repetitive tasks which would ultimately free up human workers to do more fulfilling tasks. Another misconception is that RPA will fully automate processes from A to Z but if a process spans days or longer it may not be the best fit for automation. You cannot automate all complex processes from end-to-end either but may be able to automate some parts. Another one of the most common misconceptions is that RPA consists of a physical robot which is not true at all. “Bots” involved in RPA are software bots and/or tools with some degree of artificial intelligence in them. Many individuals believe RPA is expensive, but a benefit is that there is the ability to start out small and scale up. The last misconception is that RPA is just about reducing costs. Some other reasons include the speed at which tasks/processes run and ensuring higher quality and more predictable results.

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